$25,000 - Sponsorship
$25,000 - Pillars עמודי תווך Support an educator or a director’s position • Main Stage and Honoree tree sponsor • Promotional opportunity on materials and at event, verbal recognition during program, name or logo displayed on screen • Reserved seating for 15 at program Will be invoiced upon purchase
$0.00$20,000 - Sponsorship
$20,000 - Visionaries מובילי חזון Transform a child’s life with one full time scholarship • Honoree Tree sponsor • Promotional opportunity on materials and at event, verbal recognition during program, name or logo displayed on screen • Reserved seating for 12 at program Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$15,000 - Sponsorship
$15,000 - Guardians שומרים Ensure the safety of our children and community with updated security systems • Logo/Name on stage • Promotional opportunity on materials and at event, verbal recognition during program, name or logo displayed on screen • Reserved seating for 10 at program Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$10,000 - Sponsorship
$10,000 -Torchbearers נושאי הלפיד Continuing Education for Teachers • Logo/name on stage • Promotional opportunity on materials and at event, verbal recognition during program, name or logo displayed on screen • Reserved seating for 8 Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$5,000 - Sponsorship
$5,000 - Innovators חדשנים Provide cutting edge programmatic tools • Logo/name on food stands • Logo/name recognition at event and marketing materials • 6 tickets Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$3,600 - Sponsorship
$3,600 - Advisors יועצים Celebrating life’s special days by underwriting holiday celebrations, grandparents and special friends’ day, and Shabbat or Havdalah dinners • Logo/Name on bar and signature drink • Logo/name recognition at event and marketing materials • 4 tickets Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$1,800 - Sponsorship
$1,800 - Partners שותפים Community and Family Engagement Events • Logo/Name on recognition materials • 2 tickets Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!
$0.00$720 - Sponsorship
$720 - Friends ידידים • Sponsor teachers to attend the event Will be invoiced upon purchase. Thank you!!!